picture of baby bunny
picture of baby cats
photo of baby lizards
photo of two puppies
photo of baby penguins
CALVARY CHAPEL CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL • 98-1016 Komo Mai Drive • Aiea Hawaii 96701
808-275-5163 •cccps@calvarychapelhonolulu.com
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We will be working with numbers 1-15 through tracing and counting worksheets. Daily your child will be counting gradually from a number system that extends from 1 through 20. He or she will be learning about math concepts such as shapes, colors and numbers in order to build an early foundation in math.

Reading: A letter will be introduced each week in non-sequential order (which may extend into two weeks). Throughout the week, we will be learning this letter's name and daily your child will be reciting letters of the alphabet to reinforce letter identification. He or she will also be tracing the letter in both upper case and lower case.

Bible Time: A topic from the Bible along with an associated scripture will be introduced per week which will stem from the Letter of the Week. For example: C for Creation or T for the Ten Commandments. They will be challenged to comprehend the theme, as we will be reviewing it every day with questions and discussions.

Sensory/Fine Motor: Daily your child will be participating in activities that cater to the development of his or her sensorimotor skills. Activities involving the use of pouring water, digging up shells in sand, or picking up grains of rice will serve to be an enjoyable means to support the development of fine motor skills. They will also be engaging in activities such as using Playdough and cutting paper to specifically strengthen their hand mechanics.

Music and Art: Because music and art instill interest and enthusiasm toward learning, we will be singing songs and creating a work of art that ties into our Bible theme of the week. They will not only be exercising the power of creative expression through such activities but will also be taking this with them in memory and in heart for the week or even for the rest of their lives.